Your vs. You’re – How to Use Each Correctly

Your vs. You’re – What’s the Gist?

your versus you re

These words may sound the same, but they function as different parts of speech in within a sentence.

  • Your is a possessive pronoun; it is used to show ownership over something.
  • You’re is a contraction of the words you are.

Continue reading for more information.

How to Use Your in a Sentence

Your definition. Your is used to show ownership. It is a possessive pronoun and can be used in one of two ways: it can be used by a speaker as the individual addresses a particular person, or it can be used to generally address a group.

For example,

  • Please turn off your cell phones (addressing a group).
  • Please put your plate in the dishwasher instead of leaving it in the sink (addressing an individual).

As you can see, in both examples, your is being used to show ownership over something else. In the first case, your cellphone (a cellphone belonging to you), and in the second case, your plate (a plate belonging to you).

In both cases, we see your functioning as a pronoun that indicates the ownership of something.

How to Use You’re in a Sentence

You’re definition. You’re is a contraction for you are. It is a possessive adjective that modifies a noun.

For example,

  • You’re not supposed to use a cell phone in the doctor’s office.
  • You’re going to have a test on pronouns next week.
  • The next time you’re in town, you should tell me!

A contraction occurs when two words are put together to form a new, shortened word, often using an apostrophe. Other contractions involving pronouns are they’re (they are), we’re (we are), he’s (he is), she’s (she is), among others.

Any time you see the word you’re, the individually spelled words you are would equally fit in the sentence.

A good rule of thumb is to try and put “you are” in the sentence. Consider our example from the your section.

  • Please put you are plate in the dishwasher.

This makes no sense, so one would need to keep the word your.

  • Please put your plate in the dishwasher.

Since both your and you’re are used daily in the English language, this is an easy check that you can use to tell if you’re using the correct word.

Outside Examples of Your vs. You’re

  • “Your daughter, given the serious nature of her illness, (hope she is doing better) and length of hospitalization, will be left, most likely, with five-figures of hospital charges after insurance,” the reader emailed. Washington Post
  • According to Solomon, here are some signs you’re ready for another serious relationship Washington Post 
  • Prepare for Thanksgiving in a new way and contemplate what you’re grateful for on a leisurely guided walk. Chicago Daily Herald
  • “‘Do you have a best friend, kids? What’s your best friend’s name?’” Mr. Shaw said, quoting from the show. New York Times

How to Remember These Words

Your and you’re are two words that are commonly confused. However, you can learn to use the correct word by first considering how the word is going to be used in the sentence.

Your is a possessive pronoun, and it describes a noun. If the word in question is being used as an adjective, then you should use your. 

You’re is a contraction, and there is an easy “test” you can complete to see if you should use it in a sentence. If you can replace the word in question with “you are,” then you can safely use you’re. Otherwise, use your. 

For example, “Leave _____ cell phone in the basket on my desk.” You wouldn’t say “leave you are cell phone,” so you know that your is appropriate to use in the sentence.

Article Summary

Is you’re or your correct? These words are commonly confused because they sound the same when spoken, but they are not interchangeable.

  • Your is a possessive pronoun used to show ownership.
  • You’re is a contraction for the two words “you are.”